Archive Magazine CD 1995
Archive Magazine CD 1995.iso
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Risc PC / RISC OS 3.50, SoftWare Compatability List @ September 1994
& = restricted to <= 256 Colour Modes
* = some restrictions and or limitations
-:- = speed problems
Working Not Working
1st Word Plus V ?.?? Arpeggio V ?.??
ABC Compiler * V ?.?? Artworks V 1.50
ArchWay V ?.?? Best Form V ?.??
Armadeus V ?.?? CoConiser V ?.??
Chess V 1.28 Desktop Stories V ?.??
Compression V ?.?? DrawBender V 1.00
CrossStar V 2.01 DrawPlus V 2.10
D2Font V 1.07 Faster PC V ?.??
Desk Edit3 V ?.?? Fidelio V ?.??
Digital CD V 1.10 GreyEdit V 1.26
DrawPlus V 2.24 Hacker V ?.??
Equasor V ?.?? Impression V ?.??
Euklid V ?.?? SampConv V 2.11
FireworkZ V 1.07 Spectrum Emulator V ?.??
FontEd * V 0.31a Strong Help V 1.22
FontsPlus V 2.45 Zap V 0.90
IconClock V 1.01 PDTracker V ?.??
Illusion V ?.?? Symphony (Demo) V ?.??
ImgMaster V 1.03 Protrack V ?.??
Impression Junior V 1.12
KleinFS V 1.17
MegaMouse V ?.??
Midnight Tracer V 1.01
Multistore V 2.00
Multistore V 2.01
Ovation V ?.??
Panorama V 1.03
Panorama V ?.??
PC Emulator (Patched) V 1.86
PinPoint V ?.??
Pro Artisan * & V ?.??
QTMTrack -:- V ?.??
ResultZ V 1.07
Snapper V 1.02
Spark V 2.27
SparkPlug V 2.23
Speech V ?.??
Trace V 2.11
Twain V 0.00
WimpChess V 1.28
WordZ V 1.07
World Geography Maps V ?.??
Zap V 1.10
+ = Works, but runs to fast.
# = Resets machine parameters !
** = Crashes machine and requires factory reboot after!
Working Not Working
Apocalypse V ?.?? 3D Golf V ?.??
Break 147 V ?.?? Aldebaron V ?.??
Bug Hunter in space V ?.?? Alerion V ?.??
Bug Hunter V ?.?? Animal Animator V ?.??
chess (D.Pilling) V ?.?? Apocalypse V ?.??
Chess 3D V ?.?? ArC Pinball V ?.??
Elite V ?.?? Ballarena V ?.??
Inertia V ?.?? Battle Chess V ?.??
Mad professor Mariarti V ?.?? Bug Hunter in Space V ?.??
Maddingley Hall V ?.?? Caverns V ?.??
Olympic Games V ?.?? Cheat it again V ?.??
Pacmania V ?.?? Chocks Away V ?.??
Poizone V ?.?? Chuck Rock V ?.??
Populous V ?.?? Corruption V ?.??
Quest for Gold V ?.?? Familly Favourites V ?.??
RedShift * V ?.?? Fireball 2 V ?.??
Serpents V ?.?? Freddys Folly V ?.??
Superpool V ?.?? Giana Sisters V ?.??
Technodream V ?.?? Gods V ?.??
Tetris V ?.?? Holed Out V ?.??
Ibix the Viking V ?.??
Interdictor 1 V ?.??
Interdictor 2 V ?.??
James Pond V ?.??
Lemmings V ?.??
Mr Doo V ?.??
Nebulus V ?.??
Nevryon V ?.??
Oh No More Lemmings V ?.??
Orion V ?.??
Pacmania # V ?.??
Pandora's Box V ?.??
Pesky Muskrats V ?.??
Pipemania + V ?.??
Quazer V ?.??
Repton 3 + V ?.??
Repton 4 + V ?.??
Repton V ?.??
Swiv V ?.??
Terramex (Old Version?) V ?.??
TerraMex V ?.??
Thundermonk V ?.??
TwinWorld V ?.??
Worra battle V ?.??
Zarch V ?.??
Zool V ?.??